When: Sundays at 11:00am (Bilingual)
Where: 33383 FL-54, Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Online: Sundays 11:00am Facebook Live.

In Favor Church our objective is to generate a welcoming, fun and friendly environment for you, your family and friends. This is what you can expect on a Sunday morning:
We'll greet you with a smile, we'll escort you if it's raining and we'll offer you a hot cup of coffee at your arrival.
We don't have a dress code, and everyone is welcome!
We offer an area for kids. It is fun safe and clean for children up to 5th. grade. Your kids will be registered in a safe way, all of our leaders have gone through a background check.
During service we will sing a few worship songs and we'll listen to a message from our pastor.
Our objective is to connect people who are far from Godo guide them to embark in a spiritual walk, where they get to know God, find freedom, discover their purpose and make a difference!
Everything we do at Favor Church is for the people we have not met yet, so we have planned our Sundays just for YOU!

"We are committed to creating a clean, safe and fun environment where your children will experience a dynamic, relevant teaching that is appropriate for their age and also small group activities."
We feel honored by your visit and that you entrust us with your children's care. We don't take it for granted nd we love to associate with you to share the Word of God with your kids.
We have the highest standards when it comes to clean spaces for your children.
We run background checks on every member of the Favor Kids ministry team. We have a safe registry and pick up process, we apply a strict rule of two adults per room.
We want our Favor Church children to grow spiritually, understanding that to be a christian is one of the most exciting parts of life. Our objective is to make Sunday your kid's favorite day of the week.
You can register your kids before they get to church, that way they will have a faster entrance to Favor Kids, just click the next button: